Frequently Asked Questions
What is acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a safe and effective natural therapy that is used to heal illness, prevent disease, and improve well-being. Tiny, hair-thin needles are inserted into specific points in the body and gently stimulated to trigger the body's natural healing response. Acupuncture is effective for controlling pain and can regulate the body's physiological functions to treat various internal dysfunctions and disorders.
According to traditional acupuncture theory, there are twelve energy channels called "meridians" running vertically along the length of the human body, each linking to a specific organ. Illness is caused by obstructed energy flow at certain points along the meridians. Acupuncture therapy stimulates meridian flow and harmonizes the body's energy to influence the health of both body and mind.
How does acupuncture work?
Acupuncture operates on the understanding that there are twelve main channels, or "regular meridians" running vertically across and throughout the human body connecting the internal organs. A tenet of acupuncture is that Qi, a concept equivalent to the Western idea of vitality or life-force, flows along these meridian lines.
The operating philosophy of traditional acupuncture is that disease is caused by interrupted energy flow at specific points on the body's surface. Acupuncture thus involves the insertion of a needle(s) at the affected point(s) in order to stimulate Qi flow and harmonize energy flow in the body.
Scientific research into acupuncture in the last 25 years has brought substantials advance in the understanding of neurophysiologic & neuropharmacologic pain relief mechanisms. Evidence indicates that acupuncture stimulates the release of pain-relieving brain chemicals like endorphins. Research has shown that that acupuncture strengthens the immune system, improves circulation, decreases muscle tightness, and increases joint flexibility.
Does acupuncture hurt?
Acupuncture needles are 25-50 times thinner than hypodermic needles. In fact, they are so thin that several acupuncture needles can go into the middle of a hypodermic needle. There is little sensitivity to the insertion of acupuncture needles.
While some people feel nothing at all; others experience a brief moment of discomfort as the needle penetrates the skin that can be followed by a mild sensation of cramping, tingling, numbness, traveling warmth, or heaviness. The needles are left in place for twenty to forty minutes. Most people find the experience extremely relaxing and even fall asleep for the duration of the treatment!
However, some conditions will respond better to a thicker gauge acupuncture needle. It is common to experience soreness during and after such treatments. It is important to let your acupuncturist know immediately if you are sensitive to or afraid of needles so that they can make any appropriate modifications. Be sure to speak up and let the practitioner know how you are feeling!
What can acupuncture help me with?
Pain – headache, carpal tunnel, arthritis, bursitis, tendonitis
Stress – anxiety, insomnia, TMJ, panic attacks
Respiratory – allergies, sinusitis, asthma, bronchitis, colds, flu
Digestive – constipation, diarrhea, colitis, ulcers, indigestion, nausea
Cardiovascular – hypertension, heart palpitations
Musculoskeletal – stiff neck, muscle spasms, low back pain, sprains, sciatica, any joint-related pain, foot pain, hand pain
Immune system – chronic fatigue, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, lupus, HIV/AIDS
Gynecological – PMS, infertility, irregular periods, cramps, menopause
Emotional – depression, alternative to some psychiatric drug therapies, PMS, nausea, associated with pregnancy
Neurological – post-stroke sequela, paralysis, Bell's palsy, shingles
Cancer – diminishes side effects from chemotherapy and radiation
Preventative medicine – immune enhancement, relaxation
Non-surgical face lifts – tones and tightens facial muscles, increases circulation, rejuvenates tissue
Surgical support – reduces swelling and inflammation, accelerates healing, boosts the immune system, increases range of motion
Heart – hypertension, palpitations, poor circulation